The pen *is* the sword
Some very smart people at Blast Radius (my former employer) have started up a new project called Sutori.
The project is the brainchild of Marketing Radian John Ounpuu who has this to say about the project:
"(U)ltimately the meaning and value of (a company's products and brand) is not determined by engineers, designers or marketers, but by customers—based on their own experiences. We’re developing Sutori in an effort to bridge the gap between companies and the customers they exist to serve. For customers, we hope it will offer a chance to make your voice heard, to tell your stories, to connect with others and assert your collective power. And for companies we hope it’s a chance to listen and learn."John describes Sutori as an opportunity to:
- Tell stories about your life as a customer.
- Join in by voting on stories, adding comments and connecting with friends.
- Make a difference by sending a message to businesses about the things that matter to you